Show Categories Print

  • show categories, shows
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Show Categories are a type of menu which you can associate your show with. You can view the existing show categories by clicking the show category icon in the Shows and Events drop down. Navigate to the button on the upper left hand corner to add a new show category.


To edit/update an existing show category, click on the Edit button.

To add a new show category, click on the Add button in the top right corner. 

Enter the Title, Description and Short Description of the category. The short description can be displayed on the website based on your website requirement.

If the show category is a subset of another category, select the parent category.

Select the season the show category is a part of. This field can be left empty if the show category will be used across different seasons.

Select the status of the show as active or inactive.

Select whether the category is part of Shows, events, packages or all.



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